The Emptiness of American Thinking at a Time of Grave Peril:
Studies in the cover-up of 9/11
The nation’s failure to recognize and acknowledge what really happened in downtown Manhattan on the morning of September 11 in the year 2001 has led to a failure to recognize the true significance of the political, social, and military events that have come about as a result of those cataclysmic operations. This acute and possibly inexplicable failure in perception and therefore in rational acknowledgment and reasonable action occurred not only among the general population but, much more dangerously, among the educated, intellectual, and professional classes of leadership nationwide. Eric Larsen calls on the carpet a variety of such figures, certainly not avoiding those in publishing and journalism. Among others, he unflinchingly, with wit and verve but also acid, analyzes and finds at fault the work, writings, and behavior of the likes of Walter Kirn, Frank Rich, Arianna Huffington, Nicholas Lemann, Jacob Weisberg, Amy Goodman, Dwight Garner, Thomas L. Friedman and Don DeLillo, among many others. The result is an overwhelmingly powerful cry for an intellectual awakening, a new honesty, and a new direction.
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“I love Eric Larsen’s work. Whether one agrees with him or not, his passionate words can’t help but activate and inflame something within his readers. Challenging us to our very edge, he is literally pleading with his readers to connect with their living experience and find their own voice. I love the fact that his writings inspire and challenge me to think about things that I might either have taken for granted or might not have thought about at all. In The Skull of Yorick he is doing and modeling the very thing he is ceaselessly urging his readers to do: To think for ourselves, which as planetary citizens is our ultimate responsibility.”
—Paul Levy, author of The Madness of George W. Bush, Wetiko, Dispelling Wetiko, The Quantum Revelation, etc.